miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Don't say woof, say hello

The talking dogs no longer belong only to films , cartoons and Android applications. A group of Scandinavian researchers the task of bringing superior pet screens and throw them in real life was proposed. And now they are ready to show the world the first version of No More Woof ( no barking ) , and a portable external device that is capable of translating the thoughts of dogs to human language .

The project may sound a bit crazy , but its creators say it is quite simple , since that use technical mechanisms already used in other areas such as electroencephalography and microcomputer . "The technology is already there, basically what we do is package it in a different way ," says Per Cromwell , co-founder of the Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery , the laboratory is dedicated to developing this product.

The first thing that the device is measuring electrical signals from the mind of the animal through the EEG sensors . A computerized interface then converts them to words , which are uttered by a small device attached to the speaker . "Every brain produces when thinking patterns , so we just have to map these patterns and interpret them. For dogs , we have managed to identify and distinguish between feelings of fatigue , anger, curiosity and hunger , "says Cromwell.

Although currently only dogs can speak with a single voice type, researchers are working to have a range of timbres and sounds that fit the breed and personality of each can. Also, try to offer the product not only in English but also in French, Spanish and Chinese.

Researchers working on a range of timbres and sounds that fit the breed and personality can

" Listen to what an animal is thinking is a fascinating concept , and to communicate with them is a dream for many people ," says Cromwell on the enormous interest generated in your project Indiegogo crowdfunding platform . In just a month managed to raise $ 20,000 - double the goal they had set - to fund their research. "It was overwhelming , I must say ," says co-founder .

On the campaign can provide small grants or Advance purchase a prototype of the product. There are four versions available in the presale , the prices vary between 65 and 600 dollars, according to the number of features and the degree of accuracy of the device . The researchers stress , however, that all initial prototypes ( buyers receive within two months) will be very basic : "Although we are delighted with the results so far, we would like to emphasize that this is a work in progress and not a finished product . Still " .

The Nordic Society for Invention and Discovery is a small laboratory founded by a group of professional communicators who discovered that " create interesting products is much more fun than advertising or public relations." Besides Woof No More is determined to develop other equally unusual devices like flying carpet by magnets , the shotgun that shoots seeds of flowers instead of bullets or hammock chair that recharges your tablet

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